Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christine's story.

Blog buddy Christine emailed the following to

"My story doesn't feature a whopping weight loss. There is no spectacular and happy ending. In fact, I've come to realize that no weight loss story ever ends. Because maintaining a healthy weight is a life long journey (and by journey, I mean challenge).

I am 50 years old. About 4 years ago, I went to my doctor for a regular check up. This included a "weigh in" in the nurse's office. Wow. I was slapped in the face by the reality of my weight - 156. Now, that my not sound like a huge number, but I am short (5' 1") and petite. For me, it meant I was fat. Luckily, the nurse's scales vaulted me into action. I started a diet plan (is it a "diet" if it is permanent?). I had a protein bar and tea drink for breakfast, smoothie for lunch and a spinach salad for supper. (Ross inspired the recipe!) Every. Day. Boring? Hell yes. But the weight started to come off. I chose 130 pounds for my goal and reached it in 6 months. I was very proud of myself, and still am.

So, sounds great, right? But reaching my goal was really the beginning of my weight loss story. I have spent the last 3 1/2 years struggling to stay at that magic number. I weigh myself every second day. I stick to a very narrow selection of foods. I have been on cruises and managed to not gain weight, by taking the steps instead of the elevator (another Ross tip) and avoiding carbs.

Here are my sad realities, friends:

  • exercies does not cause weight loss (for me)
  • slip ups are just waiting to happen, usually due to fatty dairy or white carbs
  • this will never end

Most of the time things are pretty good. I love fitting into everything, and can still get away will some popcorn at the movies or a non-fatte latte. But today I'm feeling down. I am up 3 pounds (that's alot) so I've had a very sparse food day. I know I'll get the pounds off. But sometimes it seems so unfair, you know? On Saturday, I met two girlfriends for lunch. We all had carrot ginger soup, then I had a small caesar salad. They both had amazing brie grilled sandwiches, then split berry crepes for dessert. They are both normal weight, and it just seems so unfair that I can never (never never) eat like that. I'm feeling sorry for myself today, so I apologize.

Anyway, that's my story.

Email YOUR story to!


  1. WOW!! Christine I just have to say GREAT JOB!! I understand. I have lost 72 pounds since 2007 I still have about 40 to go, but I am at a more "Normal" size no longer a plus size. But over the summer I didn't loose a single pound!!!!! Now I've started loosing again (about 2 pounds a week) but I tell you it's a struggle each and everyday to maintain what you have lost. Be proud of your self for what you have lost. Slip up's happen but you have to forgive yourself for them.

    I enjoyed your story!!!

  2. Hi Christine -- hope you're feeling better today! Thanks so much for posting your story. I'm at the same place you are -- my realities are exactly the same as yours (it's all about what I eat and how much; slip-ups are a fact of life -- so the key is learning how to get right back on track; and this is a lifetime journey for me). It helps to know we're not alone (especially when we're at lunch with people who don't have to eat as strictly as we do!) I've learned that I CAN indulge, but when I do, the risk of it turning into a binge on carbs/sugar is high -- so I try to avoid those trigger foods. But slips happen (Thanksgiving was one), and I make it a point to turn it into a positive mindset -- it's done, it's over and it's time to move on and be healthy.

    Thanks again for posting :) !


  3. Great story....thanks for sharing!!! I's a lifestyle change...weight loss is not about making temporary changes and then going back to old habits...Good for you for sticking to it!!!

  4. Christine's absolutely right. For me, losing the weight was easy. The real battle is keeping it off. There is no end, there is no relaxing, there is no finish line.

  5. In my own quest to keep a healthy lifestyle, I have found that the one huge culprit is trans fats. It is in everything, and food lables are able to say there is 0 transfats in their foods, if the fat content is 0.5 or less in the other words, you may be getting trans fats, and not even know it!
    Another thing, I do a brisk walk everyday,(mon-fri), approx 2-3 miles. Last year I decided to keep a journal on my walking habits, and as of Dec.31, 2009, I clocked in a whopping 728 miles for the year. One day at a time is all we can steps turn into big steps. Hang in there. You seem to be doing an AMAZING job!

  6. You story really speaks to me. I recently went to the doctor and was told I am about 5 pounds away from becoming pre-diabetic. And this came only a few months after I lost my mother to a long struggle of complications due to diabetes. I know that it is a life long effort (almost a battle). Keep up the good work and know that you are inspiring others.
