Saturday, November 7, 2009

Brad's story.

Blog buddy Brad wanted to share his story, so he emailed it to If you have any words of advice or relate to him, share them in our COMMENT SECTION (at the end of each blog entry).

Here is Brad's story...

"OK, Ross. Here's my story in the 40 minutes I have left to kill at work.

I'm fat. I've always been fat. My family is full of fat people. I have no delusions about my weight.
  • 1998 - I topped out at about 360 pounds. Keep in mind I'm 6'2" so super fat, but not needing a forklift to get out of bed or anything. I had a 7 and a 1 year old and thought, "I really need to fix this." Let me tell you something: There is no better diet than a divorce. I spent a year living on my own and fighting for custody of my kids. Living on my own meant eating here and there when I remembered. This meant never breakfast, a cheese sandwich for lunch, an egg and cheese bagel for dinner. I lost 100 pounds and was down to a much lighter 260, but still FAT. I felt worse than when I was at 360 - cold, tired, weak and sick all the time.
  • 1999 - Miraculously, I got custody of my kids and slowly started gaining my weight back. I leveled off at 300. I managed to stay 300 for several years through a careful balance of not dieting and not over-eating for several years.
  • 2006 - I drive across the country to live in San Francisco. (Did I mention gay happened to me at some point?) I get to SF and step on the scale - 314. WTF? It's starting again. So I immediately lose the 14 pounds by simply starving myself for a couple of weeks.
  • 2007 - I hurt my back. Or my hip. Or something. No one can tell for sure what's happening but I have tons of problems that are all working in a way that prevents me from doing more than walking and lifting light things. After physical therapy and multiple cortisone injections which help moderately
  • 2009 - I meet with a surgeon. He tells me it's too risky to operate on me because I'm so fat. I need to lose 50 or 60 pounds to consider surgery - without being able to exercise at all. I'll say it again - WTF? So I'm starving myself again, but not as much as before. Breakfast is 2 egg whites, 2 veggie sausage patties, 1 piece of flourless bread. Lunch lately has been an apple or one of those healthy Amy's burritos or something like that. I also have 2 diet coke's throughout the day. Just before leaving work I have a fruit snack. Dinner is something small and sensible. White chicken, brown rice, veggies, etc. When I feel hungry again, I just go to bed.
I'm hungry all the time but I just keep thinking about the pain in my back, pop a vicodin and continue on. Now I'm down to about 285 with 25 more before I can talk to the surgeon again. I feel weak but I'm not tired, cold or sick this time around. I just know I'm going to make it down to 250 (where my doctor said is probably a normal weight for me given my height and overall large build) but I also know that once I recover from surgery I'm going to put it all back on again. Not try to be a defeatist, just being honest.

I don't know if you care about any of this, but I feel better.


Thanks for sharing, Brad! Remember, gang - this only works when people like Brad (and YOU) step up to the plate (pun intended) and SHARE!



  1. Thanks Brad for sharing...You're awesome! Please don't starve yourself... If you're still in the city, throw me an HELLO if you see me at Peet's Cafe on Market/Castro. Thanks Brad

  2. Brad, you talk a lot about what you eat but what are you doing about moving? Probably one reason you are so tired is that you need to exercise. Start with baby steps... 10 minutes of walking, just keep moving, it's not a race. Believe me you will feel better for it. Getting zoned on viocodin can make you listless as well. Tomorrow when you wake up, love yourself more that today, eat FRESH veggies and fruits AND don't starve yourself.

    I am 72, with aches and pains and probably 30 extra pounds, which I detest, but I love myself enough to make myself move no matter how much it hurts. And each day it hurts less and I feel better.

    Thanks for sharing you story, we all are here to support you and to be accountable to. So join us, the WIE group and let us know how you progress. I walked today so I will walk again on Monday, I'll be looking for you Brad...

  3. Brad, if you can find the time in your day to simply walk for 30 minutes I think you will have more success at losing weight. My mom walks all the time and since she started she has shed some major pounds. She couples the walking with a healthier diet. Starving yourself is not the way to go and that just seems miserable anyways. I also strongly suggest removing the two diet cokes from your diet. There is just ZERO nutrition in soda, diet or otherwise. If you replace those sodas with 2 bottles of water you will be doing your body such a huge favor. Stay motivated and be healthy about losing the weight! I truly wish you the best of luck Brad!

  4. Thanks for sharing your story. Congradulations on your weightloss for surgery....keep moving your one more step toward your goal.

  5. I firmly believe diets don't work. If you cut out carbs you crave carbs and the minute you start eating them again you gain weight.

    The secret of losing weight and keeping it off is not depriving yourself of anything and moving more.

    Now can you eat a huge burger every day and lose of course not everything in moderation. Try eating a sensible diet 6 days a week which includes lean protein, veggies, friut and whole grains. Then one day a week eat what you want. I am not saying pig out all day long but pick one meal where you eat/drink what you want and leave the guilt behind.

    Also you didn't gain the weight in a month so don't expect to lose it in a month. Enjoy your life eat good food and take small losses and move on.

  6. Brad,

    How are the kids? When we last knew they were 8 and 2 and you gained custody :)

    You have worked so hard to get the weight off. Work hard to keep it off. You will Love yourself for it. Eat lots of lean protein, add beans & your brown rice ... so filling...whole grains, you can do it! There are some good new canned teas (like soft drinks) at the health food store that have no artifical surgars (not healthy stuff) and still only have 30-40 calaries per can, which gives you some varity to your drinks. Club soda with either fresh lime, lemon, or oranges squeezed in is so good! Another drink to add varitety....I love Stash (inexpensive) teas, white tea w/raspberry, or peach etc....drink lots of warm/hot tea!

    Think your hungry and u truly aren't thristy (lots of time we are just thristy)....chew will take away the hunger...

    EAT AVACADOs they are so filling. Whole wheat torilla, avacado, fresh greens, salsa, and/or other veggies...hmmm and so filling.

    No need to starve, just must eat filling foods that are good for you :)

    Hang in there! Say hey to the kids!

  7. Congrats on the 25 pounds Brad. Keep up the good work. Try Try Try to move more. I am a firm believer that is the key to losing weight and feeling better. You stated that you cant do certain exercises. Try to figure out the ones you can do and promise yourself you will find time each day to do them (even if it is for 15 minutes). If you keep up a daily routine, once you start seeing the pounds shed you will feel better and want to exercise more.

  8. Brad,

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Theres so many healthy food out there (here/SF) that are delicious! Theres also creative ways to start on light exercise.
    Have you tried Buffalo burger? It's so yummy and healthy. I eat that stuff and it's worth the money. I tell myself that it's better to spend money on healthy food than alcohol or surgery (no offense).
    For light exercise, try going to the farmers market. It's a great environment for a 10 minutes walk, be entertain, and shop at the same time...
    On sunny days, try walking on the beach. It's so theraputic!
    Do you like dogs? They make such a big difference not just for people but for themselves too. I believe that Pets help people to love themselves, and even cheer them up on foggy days which is typical weather in SF. Anyway, it's worth the love!

    Take Care Brad,


  9. do as I say, not as I do. I "know" all the answers but when it comes to making the right choice I don't. are the right answers. You can eat a ton of fruit and veggies and do no damage. About 7 fruits..banana, apple, orange, cantaloupe, 3 mandarine oranges, cup of grapes equal one Snicker bar. An enormous salad with tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, celery and real dressing (about 2 TBLs) will put a big dent in your appetite. Eat a lot of protein. It is filling and good for you. By a lot I mean about 8-10 oz. a day. That is two eggs, 4oz of hamburger, and 4 oz of fish,or any variety of all. There is absolutely no reason to starve. It sounds to me like you need to learn a lot about nutrition..that is if you want to live. Talk to a nutritionist, buy a book, take a class. Obviously you have the guts to do it and the intelligence and all you need is information and support from others going through the same thing. You didn't mention WHAT you eat that puts the weight on or WHY. These can be key elements. I have found it is a lifetime struggle. And some times I say screw the fruits and veggies give me that damn Snickers. We are all human. You are on the right track..keep up the fight. Your children and grandchildren will thank you. And NEVER give up..

  10. Thank you for sharing your story Brad. It's such a hard journey sometimes. And everyone has to find their individual path. I have faith that you will find yours! You're already 25 pounds further along. Remember that it *is* a journey and that sometimes there are wayside rests and detours.

  11. Thanks for sharing brad!! KEEP ON GOING MAN!! :)

    Just remember to keep your eye on the prize: your kids, your health, and your life.
    (i agree with Fets....never give up)

    It can be a slow process but worth it in the end.

  12. Brad -- thanks for your post (you're an awesome writer!) . Congrats on your weight-loss. You've got a LOT to be proud of -- both gaining custody of your kids and never losing sight of your goal to be healthy. I've also struggled with food and my weight my entire life. Recently, I've lost over 100 pounds and reached my goal weight by following the Zone diet. I've tried every diet under the sun, and this is the only one that works for me long-term. Meaning, it not only took the weight off, but it's a program I can easily follow to keep the weight off. It's taught me how to eat so that I am not hungry between meals and don't have cravings for carbs. But I know we're all different, and what works for me isn't right for everyone, but the program has literally been a life-saver. I'm 47 and have never felt better.

    Thanks again for posting :) !

