Welcome to Weight Is Enough, a new part of the HelloRoss family! In an attempt to enrich my life by living up to my potential and connecting more with all of you, I'm trying something new around here.
Think of HelloRoss.com as the main "network" with other "channels" all aimed towards helping us connect and live a better life. Weight Is Enough is just one of those channels.
Let's get started...
I have spent my entire life hoping, wishing, dreaming of & working towards 4 things: love, career, family & health.
And, as I get older, it becomes clearer each day that, for the most part, there's not too much one can do to control any of these.
That is, of course, except for health. And, boy oh boy, have I always had an issue with my health. Most specifically, my weight.
I know my personal struggle with weight is not unique. Most everyone I know has had the same issues with weight.
Mine began as a child. Growing up fat is just as difficult as growing up with anything else that makes you "different" than everyone else, and the scars of that shame live with me still today.
It wasn't until after my father died that I decided to face my dragon and appear on a television show called Celebrity Fit Club. I knew the accountability that came with being weighed in weekly on national television would force me to really take the process seriously.
I did. And it worked! I lost an insane amount of weight and everything changed - the way I interacted with the world and the way the world interacted with me. It was fanfreakingtastic.
But it couldn't last. I was eating less than 1,500 calories a day and working out nearly every single day and - I'll never forget this - the moment I ate my first carb, it all starting falling apart.
Let's face it, carbs are delicious - nachos and cheese plates and carrot cake and, and, and...
So, as the years rolled by, I added more and more to my own rolls.
And now, as I type this, I have no idea how much I weigh. I know it's not what I did at my highest, but I know it's nowhere near my lowest, either. I need to get back on track, but I feel lost.
I start my days well - thinking about it in the shower and then look myself in the mirror thinking, "Today. You'll begin today. Only eat salads and lean meats. Go to the gym. You've done it before. You know what you need to do. Today. You'll begin today."
But then noon comes around and I'm running to a meeting and a sandwich is easier to grab than a salad on my way out the door and, oh sure, thanks, I'd love a couple pretzels and, yeah, okay, sounds fun, I'd love to grab happy hour after work and... crap.
Tomorrow, take 2. Promise. But it's an endless cycle.
And that's what this process is about - ending the cycle, doing it in a healthy way and finding accountability with all of YOU!
So help me. Let me help you. Share with me.
I'm going to document my process - with pictures, text and video - and share it with all of you. But I want you to do the same. And, luckily for us, the age of technology makes it very easy to do just that!
Please make your own videos, take your own pictures, write your own stories and email them to weightisenough@helloross.com!
I will post many of your emails here on WeightIsEnough.com to help me, you & all your blog buddies!
Let's get healthy together, gang, whether it's for the first time or all over again.
What do you say?